Meet Amar Marouf, the New Curator for the Ottawa Hub

Ottawa Global Shapers
4 min readJul 3, 2024


Amar Marouf, the new curator for the Ottawa Hub of the Global Shapers Community, ready to represent Canada at the Global Shapers Annual Summit in Geneva.

In the dynamic world of global change-making, the power of passionate leadership is undeniable. That’s why I’m thrilled to announce that I’ve been appointed as the new curator for the Ottawa Hub of the Global Shapers Community. This isn’t just a personal milestone for me — it’s a testament to the hard work and dedication of an incredible team of Canadians committed to creating a better future.

From Ottawa to Geneva

In a few days, I’ll be joining over 500 hubs from around the world at the Global Shapers Annual Summit in Geneva. This gathering is more than just an event; it’s a melting pot of ideas, innovation, and collaboration. Representing Ottawa, I’m eager to bring our local insights to this global stage and learn from fellow Shapers who share our vision for a brighter tomorrow.

Honoring Our Past

I must express my heartfelt gratitude to Anna Abraham, our outgoing curator. Anna’s leadership and dedication have been the bedrock of our community. They have brought together a remarkable group of individuals, and it’s an honor for me to carry forward their legacy. Anna, thank you for your unwavering commitment and for setting such a high standard.

Mentorship and Full Circles

Special recognition goes to Lea Moser, our new Community Champion for Canada and a former curator of the Ottawa Hub. Years ago, when I launched my carbon zero Canadian circular fashion brand, Charles Amar, Lea was my mentor. During the highs and lows of entrepreneurship, her guidance was invaluable. Now, as she steps into this new role, I’m excited to reconnect and continue our journey of making a difference together. Life has a beautiful way of coming full circle.

Driving Innovation

Our Ottawa Hub has been hard at work on a project close to my heart: the Global Newcomer Integration Platform. This initiative aims to help newcomers integrate seamlessly into new societies, regardless of their origin, destination, or status. The project was recently placed in the top 20% of an Innovation Challenge, potentially being selected by the World Economic Forum (WEF) and partners like Accenture.

Innovation Prize: Empowering the Next Generation of Changemakers

Launched in 2024, the Global Shapers Community, Accenture, and the Global Alliance for YOUth established the Innovation Prize to empower next-generation change-makers. Each year, innovators from the Global Shapers’ network of 10,000 young change-makers in 500 city-based hubs are invited to apply for support to accelerate their breakthrough ideas.

The most promising solutions for improving the lives and livelihoods of their communities unlock access to dedicated upskilling, mentorship, funding, and storytelling support. Solutions focus on topics ranging from protecting the planet, to reskilling for the future, to building more inclusive societies and beyond.

The prize is provided under two categories:

  • Incubation Prize: Winners receive CHF 5,000 each.
  • Accelerator Prize: Winners receive CHF 10,000 each.

The Innovation Prize offers:

  • Dedicated funding: Essential financial backing to bring projects to fruition, enabling real-world impact.
  • Upskilling opportunities: Comprehensive training, mentorship, and coaching to enhance the skills of Prize Winners.
  • Lasting impact: Empowering young innovators to create initiatives that leave a lasting, positive impact on their communities and the world.

Ellyn Shook, Chief Leadership & Human Resources Officer at Accenture, emphasizes, “When we invest in next-generation leaders, we’re investing in our collective future. The Innovation Prize will accelerate the impact and reach Global Shapers have to drive positive change in our world.”

Laurent Freixe, CEO Zone Latin America at Nestlé and Founder and Chairman of the Global Alliance for YOUth, adds, “More than ever, the private sector must join forces to build bridges and support younger generations in solving society’s biggest problems. The Innovation Prize is a platform to reward and accelerate breakthrough solutions for youth by youth.”

Building Bridges

At the summit, I aim to connect with other hub curators to foster cross-hub collaboration. By sharing experiences and strategies, my goal is to enhance efforts to support newcomers, ensuring they feel welcomed and integrated no matter where they come from or where they’re going. This is about building bridges, not just between people, but between ideas and solutions.

As a hub, we are focused on several projects dedicated to women’s rights, youth and minors’ rights, and we have further community-based projects in the pipeline aimed at supporting grassroots organizations. With the addition of new hub members announced early this year, we are poised for many new and fascinating projects. Our collective energy and fresh perspectives make us confident that we can drive meaningful change and continue to support those who need it most.

Looking Ahead

As I take on this new role, I am filled with excitement and a sense of purpose. The challenges ahead are vast, but so are the opportunities to make a difference. Together, with fellow Shapers and the global community, we can create a future that is inclusive, innovative, and resilient.

Geneva, here we come. Let’s shape the future together!

#GlobalShapers #WEF #OttawaHub #Geneva2024 #Leadership #Community #Inspiration #Canada #Innovation #Integration #GSAS24 #YouthPerspectives #GlobalShapers

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Ottawa Global Shapers

Ottawa Hub of the @GlobalShapers Community — an initiative of @WEF. Bringing together Ottawa’s best and brightest young leaders